Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daddy in Bangkok

Jin recently lectured at the 8th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, in Bangkok, Thailand. It was attended by more than 800 specislists from the region. He was one of 3 speakers from the US. What an honor!!!

Jin lectured on innovative cutting-edge surgical techniques on Dental Implants to an audience of 200+ oral surgeons and dental specialists.

Cameron goes to Chile and Argentina...

Cameron, and his new friends, half way around the world...

November 2008

Cameron's first trip to South America

Dr Jin Kim recently lectured in Santiago, Chile, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was especially honored that he lectured side-by-side with his respected teacher in periodontics, Professor Fermin Carranza, also known as "Modern Day Father of Periodontics" by many.

Moon hike on Catalina Island

14 mile hike on the island under the moonlight...

Look at the size of Stan's backpack!!

All for this...
It was worthwhile...

Pilgrimage to the "House that Ruth Built"...

Wow! What a lifetime experience!!!
Yankee stadium in its last season, last series with the Sox... We just had to be there...

The Boys in Action...

Justin's first backpack trip. He had earned 14 miles of hike miles in Cedar Springs, at San Bernardino mountains. May 2008

The Big Boys in action...
Justin is now a "First Class" and Stanley, a "Tenderfoot"

"My Dad Rocks"

My Dad Rocks... of course...

Biohorizons Symposium in San Diego, May 2008.

... with friends from around the world!!!

Please visit my website at for further information on lecture schedule of Dr. Jin Y. Kim.